Ghi chú Alodia

  1. Các ngôn ngữ Kordofania; Các ngôn ngữ Đông Sudan khác nhau được nói ở khu vực Thượng Nguồn Thung Lũng sông Nile Xanh (ví dụ như tiếng Berta ); tiếng Ả Rập, tiếng Beja;[1]tiếng Tigre[2]
  2. "The most southerly church known, which presumably was within the kingdom of Alwa, lay at Saqadi 50 km to the west of Sennar",[24] while "the most southerly find of Alwan material on the Blue Nile is a pottery chalice, from Khalil el-Kubra 40 km upstream of Sennar".[25]
  3. In 1918 it was recorded that in parts of Omdurman, the Gezira and Kordofan, practices of Christian origin included the marking of crosses on foreheads of newborns or on stomachs of sick boys as well as putting straw crosses on bowls of milk.[141] In 1927 it was recorded that along the White Nile, crosses were painted on bowls filled with wheat.[142] In 1930 it was not only recorded that youths in Fazughli and the Gezira would be painted with crosses, but also that coins with crosses were worn to provide assistance against illnesses.[143] A very similar custom was known from Lower Nubia, where women wore such coins on special holidays. It seems likely that this was a living memory of the Jizya tax, which was enforced on Christians who refused to convert to Islam.[144] Christianizing rituals are also known from the Nuba mountains: crosses were painted on foreheads and breasts and were applied to blankets and baskets.[145]

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